Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Building up and Tearing Down.

We all try to protect ourselves from the outside world at one point in our life. Walls are built, there are wars, there are tears, there is death, there is tragedy, there are countless instances where we don't know who we are, where we are, or where we're going. There is a story I know, it's about knowing when enough is enough. It's knowing when to tear those walls down.

I once knew a girl who was depressed, broken, torn, devastated, you name it. She was misery, you could see it in her eyes, feel it in her presence. She wore scars from the past on every single part of her body. She had lost all hope, given up on everything, shut everyone and everything out. She had a chance to change and passed it right up. She thought she liked being how she was, it was all that comforted her.

She never thought of changing for the better; she had tried but never succeeded. It wasn't until she was left alone for the first time in her life by the people who meant the most to her, until she had experienced more downfalls than a girl her age should experience, until she broke down one too many times, that she saw herself in the future as someone she never intended to be. At that time, she tore down her walls and made something of herself. She realized that sometimes you need to be vulnerable, sometimes you need to be dependent, sometimes you need to believe more in yourself. And that girl? She's changed, and she's about to graduate and make something even more of her life.

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