Tuesday, May 12, 2009


It is a motivation to keep striving when things become unbearable and all paths are crossed, covered in dark fog. It is a protection, but also a knowledge that someone cares. For some it comes naturally- what to do, what to say, how to say it, how to do it, the distance needed to keep that relationship sanctified. But no matter what, the way it’s done isn’t as important as who does it.

There are some people who thrive off reassurance. It’s not dependency. Usually those who look for that reassurance are more independent than dependent. A small touch, a few words, something as simple as an ‘I care’. It makes your heart jump a little because you realize as terrible as things may seem, there has to be something someone can say to make you feel better. And that ‘I care’? Although it may not be what you need, your heart jumps because it’s close. Every word matters.

“You'll never know the way it tears me up inside to see you
I wish that I could tell you something
To take it all away”

You see someone struggling and you just fall apart. You think and realize there must be something, something, you can do to help him or her. This is even harder if the person is close to you. The last thing you want to imagine is losing someone you truly love. But when that person is in such a rut where he or she can’t even remember the simplest reasons of importance and meaning, let alone what happened less than a day ago, you realize you can only say and do so much. We as people are not armed to take control of such drastic measures.

“Sometimes I wish I could save you
And there're so many things that I want you to know
I won't give up till it's over
If it takes you forever I just want you to know”

There has to be a reason for why we act the way we do. There has to be a reason for the need of reassurance, even with the smallest of things. Maybe it’s because growing up, some of us didn’t get enough of it. To others, it may be because it was pushed onto us with no consent. Either way, now it’s our turn. It’s our place to be open to those who need it and reassure them things are in their right place, only it’s them who are off track.

“That if you fall,
stumble downI'll pick you up off the ground
If you lose faith in youI'll give you strength to pull through
Tell me you won't give up cause I'll be waiting if you fall
Oh you know I'll be there for you”

To not give up on the person is most important. Giving up takes away everything, for both you and the person being overtaken with everything. And Strength? Strength I understand with great clarity. Sometimes, strength is hiding everything behind a smile. Sometimes it’s breaking out and screaming. Sometimes it’s pushing away people and habits to go for things on your own. Any which way, everyone has their own form of strength deep inside. As for faith, just think about it tied in with reassurance. Prayers, intentions, both said and silent, and that overbearing trust and love in God to make things right. THAT is faith. THAT is reassurance.

If only one thing, know there is someone waiting, wanting to hold you when you cry, comfort you when your upset, break you free when you’re encompassed in chains. Everyone has their low points. Some have lower points than others. Some are to the lowest of the low, darkest of the dark.

But reassurance changes everything- outlook, feelings, inclines- even if you can’t see it now.

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