Wednesday, July 7, 2010


When we were little, we were always told what to do and how to do it. We had great aspirations for our future; to be astronauts, fashion designers, scientists, and princesses. We were naïve back then, everything so simple and believable.

Then, we grew up. We were given responsibilities and had to learn the concepts of trust and love. At one point or another, we’ve all felt like the world was crashing in on us. As if the whole world was on our shoulders, crushing us beneath.

When it was finally our turn to make decisions of our own, deal with everything on our own, things could have easily gotten out of hand. But that’s the concept of growing up and getting older. Whether you be lost, found, happy, sad, confused, helpless, angry, know that there’s nothing wrong with falling back to how things used to be when you were little; having to rely on someone for guidance, not having to take the world on by yourself- that isn't something to be ashamed of.

Find new aspirations and live them out.
Find the simple things in life and hold onto them.
Believe in the smallest things and pretend they’re huge.
Don’t be afraid to be naïve, all humans are supposed to be.
Take time to learn from your mistakes.
Live in fulfillment, not in just being content.

We all change our minds, dreams, and ideas. So, most of all, keep your life untitled.

Fashion designer yesterday, writer today, waiting for what tomorrow brings.