Thursday, January 21, 2010

What If?

If you had one question that you wanted answered, only one, what would it be? If you had the chance to see God, what would you say? What if He was walking among us? What if He has been walking amongst us for hundreds of years and we never knew it? What if? It’s one question, but it expands to so many possibilities. If Jesus was walking among us, would he be proud or in despair? Would He try to blend in or would He walk around the earth, impacting thousands of people like he did centuries ago? Think about it. It can all trail back to those two words—what if? There lies your one question. There lies your one chance. There lies your one opportunity.

If He were living with us, how would He act? That’s a magnificent question. Sure, he may walk around in a robe and sandals. Even if He didn’t though, wouldn’t we still be able to recognize Him the same? By His love, His compassion, His gratitude, His grace. We should be able to recognize something, someone like that. He had such an incredible impact on the world. Out of all things, He sacrificed Himself for us. For you, for me. Why us, though? He could have denied us of salvation, but He didn’t. His love radiates. If He was walking among us, we would be able to recognize it easily. You cannot overlook a love like that, a man like Jesus. It would be impossible. That is, unless you wouldn’t really care about if He was among us.

The early Church had a lot to do with writings and leadership. Church today has leadership and teaches by those early writings. The most critical part of Church today would be the inadequate amount of people who are involved in the Church. Here’s the truth: there are hypocrites that are part of the Church. Most of the people are hypocrites. It is unacceptable. It is absolutely unfair. It’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. Jesus would not go up to those people who are actually following and building their faith truthfully. And that’s the beauty of it. They are praised without praise. They are silently commended. They know who they are, as do the hypocrites of the Church. They are the people who bring themselves somewhere their heart wants them to be but where their minds are not. They are the people who let their own emotions overtake the concept of right and wrong. They are trying to be leaders but in actuality are doing everything but that. You put a face on, saying you’re into your faith. Do you not agree that the most important thing about Church is honesty of faith? Imagine this: Jesus comes down to Earth and takes in what His people made of themselves, made of the world. Would he really be proud? Or maybe you’re one of those people who wouldn’t even care.

Let’s say He was present among us. Would we even allow ourselves to be changed by Him? No, not all of us. Let us think what we want. Let us live how we want. We know everything, do we not? We know the ins and outs of life. We know everything, it’s as simple as that. Right? Wrong. We know nothing. Stop thinking we do. It takes a great amount of strength to allow ourselves to be uplifted by anything, let alone a higher power. It may scare you. To let go of yourself and become one with Jesus? To put every ounce of trust into a man who gave all His love to you before He even knew about you? You can be strong enough to do that, everyone can. We are not all knowing. We just aren’t. So if Jesus were to walk among us, would you let Him impact your life, be a part of your life? Or maybe you wouldn’t even care.

To not care about something so important, so incredible, is selfish. God gave His only son to US. Jesus died on the cross for US. Every aspect of how we would react to Jesus being among us is a factor, a test, of strength and faith. Many of us have faith, but it’s merely a mustard seed. It needs to grow. It needs three things—sun, water, and love. The sun is the sight, the thought, of something so incredible. Of a God who is there to listen. Of one person who is a constant in your life, no matter what happens. The water is the tears shed. Jesus’ tears when He was tortured and nailed to the cross. His tears for us. It’s the tears we shed when we finally understand what a sacrifice He made for us. It’s the tears that we shed when the Holy Spirit swallows you, overtaking ever part of your body. It’s the tears of freedom, a freedom of a new beginning with God. The love is the warmth we receive when Jesus is alive in our hearts. It’s a burning, a yearning, a want for more. It’s an indescribable, infallible, eternal love. Sun, water, and love. All three create something more out of a mustard seed. If Jesus were walking among us, would you let him into your heart, allow Him to help build your faith?

Jesus sacrificed everything for everyone living today. He gave up His life for us, people He didn’t even know of. Still, He loves us the same. He knows us as we live. He knows us as we speak. He knows how we speak—to Him and to each other. He would look at us and wonder what our love was like and what if things were different. And yet again, it trails back to the big question of ‘what if’.

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