Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Who has the ability to understand the concept of patience, to the fullest extent? We all have some sense of it but even so, barely any of us show it every single time it’s needed. Patience is one of the key factors in becoming a well developed, kind person. And without it, we are only dooming our future persons. But seriously, why is it all that important? I mean more than half of the things in this world take time to develop, understand, fall into place, etc. But beyond all that, it ties into trust. And trust is one of the only things people today grab hold of in times of need.

In order to trust, one must be patient and have a significant amount of patience to endure everything trust may bring. Trust is hard. Patience is even harder. The saddest part is one cannot be fully developed without the other. Hand in hand, moon in the sky, sand on the beach, stars during the night. None can exist without the other, just as trust cannot coincide without patience.

The definition of patience is a quick and steady perseverance. So how does, or how can, one work to this stance of diligence? The answer is simple- move at a slower pace. Take time to notice the smaller things around you as gifts instead of faults. Birds chirp to make music, not noise. Dogs bark to warn, not annoy. Technology dying from working to the best of its abilities for as long as it can bear instead of being a useless piece of plastic, metal, or what is so. Rain falls to replenish nature, not burn out plans for a Friday night. Things around us are more good than bad. Yeah, there are definitely a countless number of faults and defects. But somehow we need to readjust our minds to understand the concept of good vs. evil where good wins.

Patience is more than the word we were taught in grammar school. Its definition is more in depth than the most educated people of the world can grab hold of. Its complexity overwhelms me. The drastic measure needed to reach true patience engulfs me even more.

And this, coming from a girl who has focused on nothing but the negatives for the longest time? It means something. It means we are going to be completely dramatized, completely shocked, when we come to the conclusion that without patience- without trust- we cannot go anywhere.

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